2019 YHEC Eastern Regional
Post date: Mar 19, 2019 10:20:5 PM
The 2019 Eastern Regional YHEC event will be held July 10-13, 2019
at Chemung Rod and Gun Club, 1129 Lattabrook Road, Breesport, NY.
$250 each participant
$250 each coach
Forms are on the resources page in PDF Format
A few important things to know about firearms in NY and the NYS SAFE Act.
NY State Law mandates that only persons over 12 years of age may possess or use firearms and only under supervision.
NY State Law DOES NOT recognize pistol permits from any other state, so leave your handguns at home as Law Enforcement will arrest you and seize your guns.
It is illegal to possess any magazine that has the capacity for more than 10 rounds
It is illegal to possess "Assault" weapons in NYS. Please see this link for the NYS SAFE Act that helps clarify what is and "Assault" weapon : https://safeact.ny.gov/